Semiotic Analysis and Communication of Indian Mughal Paintings: An Analysis of Paintings with Flat Perspective
Author(s): Karmakar, Ananda; Chowdhury, Anirban
Abstract: Flat perspectives are typical features of Mughal paintings, expressing various meanings in different socio-cultural aspects. This research paper presents a comprehensive semiotic analysis of Indian Mughal paintings, specifically focusing on artworks employing the technique of flat perspectives. The ‘Chowdhury’s Semiotic Coding’ technique was applied to examine the signs and symbols present in these paintings and how they relate to the compositions and elements of the artworks. Five Indian Mughal paintings with flat perspectives were randomly chosen for the study, and these were evaluated by five experienced specialists from the creative industry. The research unveiled the composition and elements of the paintings related to their semiotic qualities and levels. Statistical analysis was conducted to compare the semiotic qualities of the chosen paintings, providing insights into their differences and manifestations.
Practical Implications: The results of this study offer a nuanced understanding of the cultural and communicative components present in Indian Mughal paintings with a flat perspective and contribute to our knowledge of the semiotics of Mughal paintings. This study highlights the importance of semiotic analysis as a powerful method for revealing the hidden meanings in art from different historical and cultural contexts.
Keywords: Art and aesthetic; Communication; Flat aerial perspective; Mughal landscape painting; Semiotics
Cite as – Karmakar, A., & Chowdhury, A. (2024). Semiotic Analysis and Communication of Indian Mughal Paintings: An Analysis of Paintings with Flat Perspective. International Journal of Design and Allied Sciences, 3(1), 32–39.
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