The Study of Human Behavior and Physical Ergonomics in the Workplace

IJDAS I ISSN: 2583-6242

Author(s): Anuradha Kumari and Ranganath M. Singari

Abstract: The workplace environment has become a consequential reason for hazards to employees’ physical and behavioural well-being. This paper presents the analysis of physical ergonomics using RULA, and REBA methods and behaviour analysis using the ethnographic method. The data were collected from Professors, Heads of the Department of education institute. The results obtained from RULA analysis-the risk of MSDs is high for 40% of Participants, and from REBA analysis, 66.66% of Participants are at increased risk of MSDs. Finally, the study concludes that any person suffering from a physical work-related injury will also affect their behaviour, so physical and behavioural factors of any workplace have positive relations with Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) value of 0.5497.

 Human Behavior; Musculoskeletal Disorder; Physical Ergonomics; Workplace Environment.

Cite as – Kumari, Anuradha, & Singari, Ranganath M. (2023). The Study of Human Behavior and Physical Ergonomics in the Workplace. International Journal of Design and Allied Sciences (IJDAS), 2(1), 1–11.

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