This journal is now endorsed by the DRCI (Design Research Council of India) Research Community.
The International Journal of Design and Allied Sciences (IJDAS) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed open-access journal (however, a print version shall be sent to the author(s) or library on-demand) is publishing high-quality articles since 2022 following research ethics. This journal focuses on all art, design, allied sciences (e.g. human factors, ergonomics, and work physiology), engineering, and technologies. The readership of this journal includes students, academicians, industry experts, and aspirants of art, design, and allied sciences. This journal also publishes short industry case studies, graphic novels, and short videographic materials or documentaries on various processes and design methods with concept notes, art and craft materials with concept notes, and commentary from academic and industry experts. This journal is committed to publishing 02 issues in a year. Typically, the first review comes within a week after submission, and the minimum publication time is 5-8 weeks after the acceptance of the paper/videographic content. We have the policy to publish drafts online first when the accepted article is in the press for further processing. This journal is now been endorsed by the Design Research Council of India.
” We Believe that Everyone is Creative, Just Need to Nurture and Develop Creative Mindset !!! “
(A True Balance between Imagination and Analytical Skill is Very Important for any Creative Problem-Solving)
Are You A Problem Solver / Creative Professional?
We Appeal to the Creative Community to Kindly Contribute to IJDAS
We follow the UGC-care and SCOPUS guidelines to maintain the high quality of articles published in our journal. Each article in this journal undergoes a plagiarism check (up to 10% similarity is acceptable). This journal has an acceptance rate of only 32% after the double-blind peer review process.
Regular: CALL FOR PAPERS I Special Theme: Call for Papers under Special Issue on “Design Futures”
Design Research Methods I New Materials & Design I Design for Sustainable and Renewable Energy I Design for Resilience, Safety and Disaster Management I Design for Agriculture I User Experience Design I Usability Engineering I Product Design I Branding and Graphic Design I Performing Art I Art & Craft I Film and Video I Animation and VFX I Fashion and Apparel Design I Design and Culture I Human Anthropology & Design I Retail Design I Service Experience Design I New Media Design I Human-Computer Interaction I Design Economics & Business I Design Thinking and Innovation I Game Design I AI and Design I Cognitive and Affective Computing I CAD & Engineering Design I Mobility and Transportation System Design I Smart Cities & Urban Design I Education Technologies I Design Education I User-Centred Approach to the Internet of Things (IoT) I Defense Allied Sciences I Data Sciences I Decision Sciences I Biomedical Instruments & Interface Design I Behavioural Sciences I Robotics and Automation I Work Physiology and Job Design I Industry 5.0 and Human Productivity I Sustainability & Circular Economy I Design Management I Design for Social Need I Design for Special Needs and Assistive Technologies I Design for Elderly and Aging I Neurodesign and Neuromarketing I Computational Cognitive Science I Design & Entrepreneurship I Operational Art I Drug Design I Environment Design I Work Physiology & Ergonomics I Sports Physiology and Sports Equipment Design I Agricultural Equipments Design I Jugaad to Innovation I Healthcare Products Design I Healthcare Management
but not limited to only the above areas.
Typical Submission Types
- Very Short Article/ Commentary or Review on Design or Technology (Minimum 1000 words)
- Short Original Articles/ Industrial Case Studies (2000-3000 words)
- Full-Length Original/ Review Article (5000-7000 words)
- Videographic Article (maximum 10 min edited video with a concept note of 500 words)
- Graphic Novels (5-15 A4 pages)
CLICK to SUBMIT a paper/video/artwork/industry case study/ design review to this journal
IJDAS Archive
Dhurjati Majumdar, Ph.D. [Guest Professor of Practice, Netaji Subhas University of Technology, India; Former Scientist G and Associate Director, DRDO, India]
Email to Editor-in-chief: chiefeditor.ijdas@gmail.com
Somnath Gangopadhyay, Ph.D. (University of Calcutta, India)
Anirban Chowdhury, Ph.D. (Professor, Alliance University, Bengaluru, India)
Member of Design Research Society, UK I Member of American Psychological Association (APA), USA I Member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Hongkong I Member of American Physiological Society (APA), USA I Member of Affective Design Technical Committee, IEA I Member of ISCA, PSI and ISE, India
Email: editor.ijdas@gmail.com / anirban.chowdhury@allince.edu.in
Rosemary Seva, Ph.D. (Asst. Dean, De La Salle University, Philippines; Chair, Affective Design Technical Committee, IEA)
Bhaskar Saha, Ph.D. (Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar, India)
Email: b.saha@cit.ac.in
Takashi Toriizuka, Ph.D. (Nihon University, Japan)
Email: toriiduka.takashi@nihon-u.ac.jp
Markus Hartono, Ph.D. (Faculty of Creative Industries, University of Surabaya, Indonesia)
Email: markus@staff.ubaya.ac.id
Managing Editor
Suhana Ghosh, Ph.D. (dronaseeker.co.in)
Email: cr.dronaseeker@gmail.com / cr@dronaseeker.co.in
Prahlada Ramarao, Ph.D. [Padma Shri-2015; Pro-Chancellor S-VYASA, Director, Centre for Energy Research S-Vyasa Yoga University, Prashanti Kuteeram, Kallabalu Post, Jigni Hobli, Anekal Taluk, Bengaluru 560105]
Former Distinguished Scientist & CC R&D DRDO, Former Vice-Chancellor, DIAT(Defence University), Pune. DRDO, Min of Defence, Adjunct Faculty, Dept of Management IISc and NIAS, Bengaluru.Member, IISc Court, and Board of Governors IITG
Prof. José Orlando Gomes, Ph.D., CPE I President-International Ergonomics Association(IEA) I
Associate Dean for International Affairs to BRICS Countries, Engineering School, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro I Visiting Prof. University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa I Collaborating Prof. at Tsinghua University
Anindya Ganguli, Ph.D. (Chair of International Development Standing Committee at International Ergonomics Association)
Prof. Jitendra K Pandey, Ph.D. (Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Adamas University, Kolkata, India)
Paresh Chandra Ghosh, Ph.D. [Former Director (Industrial Physiology), Central Labour Institute (CLI), Mumbai, Govt. of India; Visiting Professor at Jawaharlal Institute Of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER), Moulana Azad Medical College, SRM Medical College, Ramchandra Medical College, RLI (s), India.]
The International Journal of Design and Allied Sciences (IJDAS) invites contributions of five types:
- Very Short Article/ Commentary on Design or Technology/ Design Review (Minimum 1000 words)
- Short Original Articles/ Industrial Case Studies (2000-3000 words)
- Full-Length Article (5000-7000 words)
- Videographic Article (maximum 10 min edited video with concept notes of 500 words)
- Graphic Novels (5-15 A4 pages)
Contributions should fall within the scope of the journal outlined in the statement of focus areas. In particular, the journal encourages the submission of manuscripts investigating social-cultural impacts on design and reporting of design research with practical relevance.
Preparing for Submission
Submission of a manuscript implies that the paper has not been submitted to or published in any other journal, in the same or similar form, in English, or in any other language. Manuscripts previously published in a workshop, symposium, or conference can be submitted for consideration provided that the authors inform the editorial office at the time of submission and that the manuscripts have undergone substantial revision. Please make sure that your article should not have more than 10% similarity with contents of other articles and should not have more than 15% of self-citation or references in the reference list.
Double-blind Review
To facilitate the journal’s double-blind peer review process, authors should ensure that information about the authors’ identities does not appear anywhere in the manuscript. If an author is cited, “Author” and year should be used in the bibliography and footnotes instead of the author’s name, paper title, etc. The author’s name should also be removed from the document’s Properties, which in Microsoft Word is found under the File menu.
Manuscript Template File
Authors should download and use the template file to prepare their manuscripts: Template for APA Microsoft Word Format
The preferred format is Portable Document Format (.pdf). Manuscripts should be created with the template download from our website.
Article Processing Charges (Fee)
Submitting papers to IJDAS is free of charge. Starting in 2022, the authors will pay a post-acceptance fee of US$ 300 OR INR 3000 per article – to support the journal production, open access, and online hosting and archiving. The authors can pay this fee through the Paypal service integrated with our system. If the authors need additional support, please contact Editorial Office. The printed version shall be sent to the Author(s) or Library on Demand (an additional fee of INR 5000 has been added for each printed issue, in case of pre-order). Author(s) can get up to 50% on article processing charges depending on number of quality contributions and need for research support for self-initiated research projects.
The details of funding authority should be mentioned in a separate acknowledgement section inside article by author(s) if they are publishing results of funded projects in this journal.
* IJDAS has decided to waive the fees for submitted articles before January 31, 2022.
Manuscripts must be in English. Both English and American spellings are acceptable. Authors fluent in another language are encouraged to provide, in addition to the full manuscript, a title page and an abstract in the other language.
The international system of units (SI) should be used. If other units are mentioned, their equivalent in SI should be provided.
Only a concise and informative title should be included. Please remove information about the authors’ names and affiliations for the double-blind review process.
A manuscript must include an abstract containing no more than 200 words. It should indicate the techniques used and summarize the most important results. Statements about Practical Implication(s) should be included (25-50 words).
Length of a Manuscript
A paper with 5000~7000 words (excluding Endnotes and References) is appropriate. The content is equal to or less than 25 pages and the file size is less than 5 MB.
The use of footnotes is discouraged. Instead, they should be incorporated into the text.
3 to 6 keywords should be provided after the abstract.
The text should be single-spaced; use a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses).
All figures should be cited in the text and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. A caption of no more than 15 words should be provided. The preferred formats for figures are PNG and JPEG. All figures should be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
All tables should be cited in the text and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. A title of no more than 15 words and a legend explaining any abbreviation used in that table should be provided. All tables should be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
All URL addresses in the text (e.g., http://www.dronaseeker.co.in/about-ijdas/) should be activated and ready to click.
Multimedia Files
Authors are encouraged to submit multimedia files essential to the manuscript’s conclusions. Multimedia files, such as 3-dimensional computer models, videos, and interactive demonstrations, will be published as an online extra to the manuscript. The preferred formats are MPEG and Quicktime.
Authors are required to obtain permission to reproduce previously copyrighted materials from other sources in both print and electronic form.
Human and Animal Ethics
Human or animal ethical committee permission is mandatory for invasive studies. However, human subject data reporting shall be accepted on the basis of informed consent if the study is non-invasive.
The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. The APA system of referencing should be used. Some citation examples from the APA Style Essentials are shown below:
- Journal article
Desmet, P. M. A., & Hekkert, P. (2007). Framework of product experience. International Journal of Design, 1(1), 57-66. - Journal article, Internet-only journal
Bergen, D. (2002, Spring). The role of pretend play in children’s cognitive development. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 4(1). Retrieved February 1, 2004, from http://ecrp.uiuc.edu/v4n1/bergen.html. - Non-English journal article
Lin, R. T. (2006). 訴說故事,營造情境–文化創意設計的情境故事[Scenario and story-telling approach in cross cultural design]. 藝術欣賞, 2(5), 4-10. - Book
Wundt, W. (1905). Fundamentals of psychology (7th ed.). Liepzig: Engelman. - English translation of a book
Baudrillard, J. (2006). The system of objects (J. Benedict, Trans.). New York: Verso. (Original work published 1968) - Article or chapter in an edited book
Schifferstein, H. N. J., Mugge, R., & Hekkert, P. (2004). Designing consumer-product attachment. In D. McDonagh, P. Hekkert, J. Van Erp, & D. Gyi (Eds.), Design and emotion: The experience of everyday things (pp. 327-331). London: Taylor & Francis. - Article in a published proceedings
Khalid, H. M. (2001). Can customer needs express affective design? In M. G. Helander, H. M. Khalid, & T. M. Po (Eds.), Proceedings of Affective Human Factors Design (pp. 190-198). London: Asean Academic Press. - Article in an electronic proceedings
Chen, C.-w., You, M., Liu, H., & Lin, H. (2006). A usability evaluation of web map interface. In E. Koningsveld (Ed.), Proceedings of the 16th World Congress of the International Ergonomics Association [CD ROM]. New York: Elsevier Science. - Article in print magazine or newsletter
Heskett, J. (2002, September/October). Waiting for a new design. Form, 185, 92-98. - Article in the online magazine or news
Wallis, C. (2005, January 09). The new science of happiness. Time Magazine. Retrieved July 15, 2006, from http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1015902,00.html. - Published doctoral dissertation
Ross, P. R. (2008). Ethics and aesthetics in intelligent product and system design (Doctoral dissertation). Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands. - Unpublished doctoral dissertation
Gedenryd, H. (1998). How designers work – Making sense of authentic cognitive activities (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Lund University, Lund, Sweden. - Unpublished master’s thesis
McNeil, P. (1993). Designing women: Gender, modernism and interior decoration in Sydney, c. 1920–1940 (Unpublished master’s thesis). Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. - Report
Wu, J. T., & Liu, I. M. (1987). Exploring the phonetic and semantic features of Chinese words (Tech. Rep. No. NSC75 0310 H002-024). Taiwan National Science Council. - Web document on university program or department Web site
Degelman, D., & Harris, M. L. (2000). APA style essentials. Retrieved May 18, 2000, from Vanguard University, Department of Psychology Web site: http://www.vanguard.edu/faculty/ddegelman/index.aspx?doc_id=796. - Stand-alone Web document (no date)
Nielsen, M. E. (n.d.). Notable people in psychology of religion. Retrieved August 3, 2001, from http://www.psywww.com/psyrelig/psyrelpr.htm. - Stand-alone Web document (no author, no date)
Gender and society. (n.d.). Retrieved December 3, 2001, from http://www.trinity.edu/~mkearl/gender.html. - Journal article from database
Hien, D., & Honeyman, T. (2000). A closer look at the drug abuse-maternal aggression link. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 15(5), 503-522. Retrieved May 20, 2000, from ProQuest database. - Abstract from secondary database
Garrity, K., & Degelman, D. (1990). Effect of server introduction on restaurant tipping. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 20(1), 168-172. Abstract retrieved July 23, 2001, from PsycINFO database.
Submission Preparation Checklist
- The content presented in the manuscript has not been submitted to or published in any other journal, in the same or similar form, in English or in any other language. Please make sure that you have included the Practical Implication (s) of the study at the end of the abstract.
- The manuscript was prepared according to the requirements described in the author’s guidelines page.
- The manuscript meets the requirement of a double-blind review process. All information about the authors’ names and affiliations should be removed.
- The manuscript was prepared by using the template provided on our website. This will ensure that the manuscript contains the necessary sections and help to facilitate the post-production process.
- The full article contents are approximately 25 pages (or 5000 – 7000 words)/ the short article contents are approximately 6 pages (or up to 300 words)/ very short article or commentary or design reviews or technology reviews or graphic novel (500-1000 words) and the file size should be less than 5 MB in case of full length original/ review article./ For videogrpahic material the space shold not exceed 100 MB (MPEG format) and the videographic materials should be with a concept note of around 500 words/one page.
- The authors granted their all publication rights to the International Journal of Design and Allied Sciences (dronaseeker.co.in).
CLICK to SUBMIT a paper/video/artwork/industry case study to this journal
Step 1: Manuscript/ Video Submission
Step 2: Editorial Review (Topic, Novelty Check, Plagiarism Check, and Structure Check: Accept for Further Review/ Desk Rejection)
Step 3: Double-Blind Reviews (by two subject matter experts)
Step 4: Revised Paper Submission by Author (s)
Step 5: Final decision (Acceptance for Publication/ Rejection)
Click here to get FORMAT FOR REVIEWER’S COMMENTS (requesting all editors and reviewers to please DOWNLOAD and send you a response for an article in the journal via email: editor.ijdas@gmail.com)
Click to DOWNLOAD the Review Feedback Form for Authors
Click to DOWNLOAD the Copyright Transfer Form for Authors
Chief-Editor and Associate Editor(s) should control the quality and international standard of articles published in this journal (IJDAS), they should take responsibility to assign suitable reviewers for each article to ensure best practices in respective field(s) of research. Chief-Editor should take the final decision for publication of article or any other materials depending on feedbacks given by at least 2 reviewers. Academic editors generally take part in review process of summited research articles. Industry Case-study Editors are responsible for review of industry whitepapers and case-studies. Managing editor(s) is responsible for channelizing all editorial activities time-to-time and provide editorial supports to authors and all other Editors.
Applying for –
DAAI: Design and Applied Arts Index
This journal is hosted and powered by dronaseeker.co.in I Authors need to sign an open access agreement and send it to dronaseeker.co.in due to hosting purpose and circulation of open access materials through Creative Commons license. Once, it is published online, article(s) shall be downloaded free for reading and referencing purposes as the IJDAS is an OPEN ACCESS journal with creative commons attribution. However, authors are solely responsible for violation of copyright act of the country (India) if they copied any materials from other sources without any permission.
For Article Processing Charges and Publication Details: cr.dronaseeker@gmail.com
Editor-in-chief: chiefeditor.ijdas@gmail.com
Associate Editor-in-chief: editor.ijdas@gmail.com
Name of Publisher: Drona Seeker (dronaseeker.co.in)
Address: dronaseeker.co.in, First Floor, 149/1, Gitanjali Bhabhan, R.A.K Road, Dumdum, Kolkata-700055, NORTH 24 PARGANAS, West Bengal, India.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License